FFT Analysis - FFT Analyzer Software Download - Free FFT Spectrum Analyzer - FRF Analysis
Spectrum Analyzer - Measurement Microphone Software
I would like to take this opportunity to provide a brief introduction to the ARTA software, which includes Plug.n.DAQ Lite MMS 214 Low Noise Microphone and Microphone Calibrator.
In this demonstration, I will be showing the calibration of the measurement chain.
Since December 2024, the globally recognised FFT analyser and measurement microphone software ARTA has been released by the manufacturer as freeware. We would like to thank the manufacturer for this generous support.
With calibrated microphone, ARTA can be used as a virtual IEC class 1 SPL meter with a real time modes:
Integrating SPL meter with 24 hours data logging,
Octave SPL meter with noise rating (NR, NC, PNC, RC,NCB),
Third octave SPL meter with report of loudness in sones and phones.
FFT Analyser Freeware
The VA 25 Silvia edition features a new 3D interface, an improved spectrum analyzer, a graphic equalizer, playback and recording tools, a frequency response tool, an updated menu, the ability to capture samples from other applications in real time, and much more.
If you are looking for a FFT analysis software that will allow you to turn your PC into a full-featured measurement instrumentation, Visual Analyzer is the right tool for you!
The best part is that there is no need to install any additional or new hardware.
You can simply use the sound card in your PC to start measuring sound.
With the Visual Analyzer, it is now even easier to analyze sound signals.
Besides, you don’t have to worry about licensing, since the program is already available for everyone.
Operating deflection shape analysis with impulse hammer and raw data recording
Operating Deflection Shapes (ODS) analysis software can be used individually or in conjunction with other applications.
The software features tailored workflows and include all the necessary functionality for conducting ODS measurement and analysis, such as time, spectral and run-up/down.
This short presentation demonstrates the recording of nine IEPE accelerometers mounted on a steel plate.
The steel plate is excited by an impulse hammer in order to generate raw data for an operational vibration analysis.
Visual Analyser Freeware Description
Oscilloscope (dual channel, xy, time division, trigger)
Spectrum Analyzer with amplitude and phase display (linear, log, lines, bar, octaves band analysis 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/12, 1/24)
Wave-form generator with “custom functions”, triangular, square, sinusoidal (all with NO ALIASING and smooth transition), white / pink noise, pulse generation, DC generation [New!]
Frequency meter (in time and frequency domain) and counter; in time domain by means of a real time zero crossing algorithm
Volt meter with DC [New!], True RMS, peak to peak and mean display plus resolution calculation
Filtering (low pass, hi pass, band pass, band reject, notch, “diode”, DC removal)
Memo windows (data log) for analysis and storage of time series, spectrum and phase with “triggering” events; THD and Impedance data logging with spline interpolation; possibility to save the graphics in various format (.tee, .txt, .wmf)
Screenshot of Spectrum and Scope window
A TRUE software digital analog conversion (for complete signal reconstruction using Nyquist theorem)
Frequency compensation: possibility to create / edit a custom frequency response and add it to the spectrum analyzer computed spectrum; added standard weighting curves A, B, C [New!] in parallel with custom frequency response function FRF
Support for 8/16/24 bit soundcard by means of API calls
Internal 80 bit IEEE floating point variables for minimum rounding error
Cepstrum analysis , cross correlation
Extended THD measurements, with automatic sweep, compensation, data log
ZRLC meter with vector scope, automatic sweep in time and frequency for automatic measurement
Calibration mechanism (you can calibrate the VA scales directly in VOLT or dB or percent full scale)
Set of values computed in real time (peak to peak, peak, crest factor, form factor, true rms, mean, frequency with zero-crossing algorithm)
Wave file recording and playback
Custom FIR filters