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2-channel IEPE sensor signal conditioning with USB digital output 24-bit ADC


Portable Vibration Analyzer RogaDAQ2 VIB-E-220
Identical Model:
  • VIB-E-220 Polytec


Analog Input
2ch single ended BNC, IEPE, AC, DC
Simultaneously sampling ADCs
ADC Resolution
24 Bit
Sampling rate
48 kHz
Range input
on request
±10 Volt
±30 Volt
AC- or DC-coupling
IEPE sensor supply
4 mA – 24 Volt
Anti-Aliasing filter
Self adjusting
better ± 0,1 dB
Dynamic Range
124 dB(FFT-based)
< 0,005%,
Frequency Response
DC – 24 kHz (± 0,05 dB)
With IEPE Supply
0.3 – 24 kHz (± 0,05 dB)
Powered by USB Port
Power consumption < 1W
Temperature range
0 to + 50 °C
85 (w) x 132 (d) x 35 (h) mm
230 g
  • Impuls Hammer Test
  • Structural analysis
  • Modal analysis
  • Building vibration
  • Bridge vibrations
  • Machine maintenance

FFT Analyzer DAQ for Sound and Vibration Measurement

ROGA offers a wide range of data acquisition systems specifically designed for the monitoring and measurement of sound and vibration.

RogaDAQ2 Set is a powerful package with dual-channel USB-based data acquisition hardware and comprehensive NVH-FFT software that enables accurate and efficient data analysis.

The field-proven RogaDAQ2 Set machine data acquisition system handles a wide range of data acquisition tasks, allowing users to spend less time reducing machine data and more time interpreting it.
This rugged, multi-channel machine data acquisition system combines fast processing power with ease of use for the professional machine diagnostichian. Viewing options in the data acquisition system include automatic waveform selection for plots, multiple cursors for all plot types, and a static/coupled vector option on polar plots for balancing.
This highly portable monitoring system is equally useful for machine condition monitoring and assessment tasks on the test bench or in the field in real time.

In combination with a standard notebook and an IEPE sensor, the RogaDAQ2 Set becomes a portable vibration analysis laboratory with integrated tools for signal processing and visualisation of vibration data.

RogaDAQ2 Set with scientific FFT analyzer software

RogaDAQ2 Set

Portable Vibration Analyzer RogaDAQ2 VIB-E-220
Identical Model:
  • VIB-E-220 Polytec


Analog Input
2ch single ended BNC, IEPE, AC, DC
Simultaneously sampling ADCs
ADC Resolution
24 Bit
Sampling rate
48 kHz
Range input
on request
±10 Volt
±30 Volt
AC- or DC-coupling
IEPE sensor supply
4 mA – 24 Volt
Anti-Aliasing filter
Self adjusting
better ± 0,1 dB
Dynamic Range
124 dB(FFT-based)
< 0,005%,
Frequency Response
DC – 24 kHz (± 0,05 dB)
With IEPE Supply
0.3 – 24 kHz (± 0,05 dB)
Powered by USB Port
Power consumption < 1W
Temperature range
0 to + 50 °C
85 (w) x 132 (d) x 35 (h) mm
230 g
  • Impuls Hammer Test
  • Structural analysis
  • Modal analysis
  • Building vibration
  • Bridge vibrations
  • Machine maintenance

Rotor Vibration Diagnostics

Impact Hammer Test Set

RogaDAQ2 AC/DC Coupling Setting

The RogaDAQ2 USB DAQ was designed for use in sound and vibration measurement technology.

You can control two analog inputs independently to turn the IEPE supply on or off.

For instance, you could connect a seismic IEPE accelerometer to channel 1 and a DC-coupled magnetic field sensor to channel 2 to figure out the best setup for an MRI system.